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German Sentence Analyser

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     1. n. (psychoanalysis) ego
     2. n. self, me, him, etc.
           das wahre Ich - the real me
     3. pron. I (first person singular nominative (subject) pronoun)
     1. v. first-person singular present of können
     2. v. third-person singular present of können
          1. v. to be able (to do or be something), to have the possibility of; can.
          2. v.          (auxiliary)
                        Kannst du ihm helfen? - Are you able to help him?
                        Ich hätte das machen können. - I could have done that.
                        Das kann sein, kann aber auch nicht sein. - This may be and may also not be.
                        Das kann es nicht geben. - This is nothing that could possibly exist.
          3. v.          to be able to do something implied; can.
                        Nein, ich kann nicht. - No, I can’t.
                        Er hat gekonnt. - He was able to do it.
          4. v.          to know how to do (something); to know; to understand; to be able to do (something); to be capable of; can do (something), to have a specific skill. (w
                        Ich kann Deutsch und Englisch. - I know German and English.
                        Kannst du es? - Can you do it?
                        Das hätte ich nicht gekonnt. - I couldn’t have done that. / I wouldn’t have been capable of that.
          5. v.          to be possible, to make sense
                        Nächstes Jahr is’n Schaltjahr. – Das kann nich’. Letztes Jahr war doch Schaltjahr! - Next year is a leap year. – That’s not possible. Last year w
          6. v.          (auxiliary) to be allowed (to do something); to be permitted (to do something); may.
                        Kann ich mitkommen? - May I come along?
                        Er hat nicht ins Kino gehen können. - He was not allowed to go to the cinema.
          7. v.          (auxiliary) to be in the legal situation of being able to realize a legal effect even if it be legally disallowed
     1. prep. with (in the company of; alongside)
           Ich spiele mit meinen Freunden. - I'm playing with my friends.
     2. prep. with, by (using as an instrument; by means of)
           Ich schreibe mit einem Bleistift. - I'm writing with a pencil.
           Ich fahre mit dem Bus. - I'm going by bus.
     3. prep. with (as an accessory to)
     4. prep. with (having)
     5. prep. at (with the age of)
     6. prep. with, including, with ... included
     7. adv. among; denotes a belonging of a person or a thing to a group
           Hier gibt es mit das beste Essen in der Stadt. - Here they have some of the best food in town.
           Ich war mit der erste, der hier war. - I was one of the very first who arrived.
     8. adv. also, too (in addition; besides; as well)
     9. adv. (somewhat, informal) with (something), with it
           Ich brauch nicht unbedingt Majonäse zu den Fritten, aber mit sind sie natürlich besser. - I don't necessarily need mayonnaise with the chips, but they taste better with it, of course.
     1. n. only in, mit Fug und Recht
     1. conj. (co-ordinating) and
           Kaffee und Kuchen - coffee and cake
           Ich kam, sah und siegte. - I came, saw, and conquered.
     2. conj. (colloquial) links two nouns, often a person and an activity, in rhetoric questions to express an opposition between them
           Er und Abwaschen? Vielleicht einmal im Jahr! - Him doing the dishes? Maybe once per year!
     3. interj. so?, now?, and?
           Und? Wie ist es gelaufen? - So? How did it go?
     1. n. a right, privilege
           Sie haben nicht das Recht, über irgendetwas belogen zu werden. - You do not have the right to be lied to about anything.
     2. n. a title, claim
     3. n. the law
     4. adj. right (direction)
     5. adj. proper, correct
     6. adj. true, real
     7. adj. just, lawful
     8. adv. very, quite, rather, pretty, fairly
           Es ist recht warm heute Abend. - It's quite warm tonight.
           recht klein - smallish
     9. adv. well, right
           ganz recht - that's right
     10. adv. exactly
     1. n. gerund of behaupten
     2. v. to claim, maintain, assert
     3. v. to stand one's ground
     1. conj. (subordinating) that
           Ich habe gehört, dass du krank bist. - I was told that you are sick.
     2. conj. (subordinating, chiefly colloquial) so that
           Beeil dich, dass wir bald losfahren können. - Hurry up so that we can take off soon.
     1. n. the colour red
     2. n. (heraldry) gules; red in heraldry
     3. n. the suit hearts in German playing cards
     4. adj. red (colour)
     5. adj. (politics, relational) red (pertaining to Marxism in the widest sense); social democratic; socialist; communist
     6. adj.          (politics, Germany, in particular, relational) of the social democratic SPD or the more rigidly socialist Linke
     7. adj. (possibly mildly offensive) red-haired
     8. adj. (historical, possibly offensive) redskin; Native American; Indian
     1. adv. not, non- (negates the meaning of a verb, adjective, or adverb)
           Bitte nicht stören! - Please do not disturb!
           Das ist nicht wahr. - That is not true.
     2. interj. (tag question, dated, or formal) right?; is it?; is it not?
           Du bist sicher die Claudia, nicht? - You must be Claudia, aren't you?
     1. n. black (colour)
     2. n. (heraldry) sable; black in heraldry
     3. Proper noun. surname, common, from=nicknames, varform=Schwartz
     4. adj. black, reflecting little or no light
     5. adj. (figurative) illegal
     6. adj. black, having a high amount of melanin in an organ, e.g. the skin
     7. adj. (politics, Germany, relational) of the CDU or CSU (large center-right Christian Democratic parties, whose associated colour is black)
     8. adj. (of coffee) without milk
     9. adj. (trick-taking card games) not having won any trick (or only tricks with zero points)
     10. adj. (relational) Goth (of Goth music or culture, called schwarze Szene in German)
     1. v. third-person singular present of sein
          1. v. (copulative, with a predicate adjective or predicate nominative) to be
                Das ist schön. - That is beautiful.
                Das ist ein Auto. - That is a car.
          2. v. (with a dative object and certain adjectives) to feel, (to experience a condition)
                Usage: In this sense sein is always conjugated in the third person singular and takes a Dative noun. The impersonal subject es may be present, but is often taken as implied. For example: "Mir i
                Ist dir kalt? - Are you cold?
                Mir ist schlecht. - I'm sick.
                Dem Mann ist schwindelig. - The man feels dizzy.
                Den Kindern ist langweilig. - The children are bored.
          3. v. (with a dative object and nach or danach, sometimes with zumute) to feel like, to be in the mood for
                Usage: As in the previous sense sein takes a Dative noun and is always conjugated according to the impersonal subject es, although it is usually omitted.
                Uns ist nach einem Film zumute. - We feel like watching a movie.
                Mir ist nicht danach. - I don't feel like it.
          4. v. (auxiliary) forms the present perfect and past perfect tenses of certain intransitive verbs
                Er ist alt geworden. - He has become old.
          5. v. to exist; there to be; to be alive
                Was nicht ist, kann noch werden. (a common proverb) - That which does not exist now, may come into existence.
                Wenn ich nicht mehr bin, erbst du das Haus. - When I am no more, you'll inherit the house.
          6. v. to have the next turn (in a game, in a queue, etc.)
                Du bist. - It’s your turn.
                Du bist nach mir. - Your turn is after mine.
          7. v. to be "it"; to be the tagger in a game of tag
                Du bist! - You're it!
                Ich bin nicht mehr. - I'm not it anymore.
          8. det. his
                Daniel schickt seiner Schwester eine SMS. - Daniel is sending a text to his sister.
                Der Kater spielt oft mit seinen Spielsachen. - The cat often plays with his toys.
          9. det. its (agreeing with a masculine or neuter noun)
                der Mond und sein Licht - the moon and its light
                das Schaf und seine Lämmer - the sheep and its lambs
          10. det.          (informal) Used to express an approximate number, often with so.
                        Der kostet so seine zweihundert Euro. - That one costs around two hundred euros.
          11. det. one's
                Man muss seinem Herzen folgen. - One must follow one’s heart.
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